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API Reference


get_metadata(state=None, include=None, fields=None)

Returns a list of all states with data available, and basic metadata
about their status. Can also get detailed metadata for a particular

Args: state: The abbreviation of state to get detailed metadata on, or leave as None to get high-level metadata on all states.

include: Additional includes.

fields: An optional list of fields to return; returns all fields by

Returns: Dict: The requested :ref:Metadata as a dictionary

search_districts(state, chamber)

Search for districts

Args: state: The state to search in chamber: the upper or lower legislative chamber fields: Optionally specify a custom list of fields to return

Returns: A list of matching :ref:District dictionaries



Gets a legislator's details

Args: leg_id: The Legislator's Open States ID fields: An optional custom list of fields to return

Returns: The requested :ref:Legislator details as a dictionary

locate_legislators(lat, lng, fields=None)

Returns a list of legislators for the given latitude/longitude coordinates

Args: lat: Latitude long: Longitude fields: An optional custom list of fields to return

Returns: A list of matching :ref:Legislator dictionaries

search_legislators(jurisdiction=None, name=None, id_=None, org_classification=None, district=None, include=None)

Search for legislators.

Returns: A list of matching :ref:Legislator dictionaries


get_bill(uid=None, state=None, session=None, bill_id=None, include=None)

Returns details of a specific bill Can be identified by the Open States unique bill id (uid), or by specifying the state, session, and legislative bill ID

Args: uid: The Open States unique bill ID state: The postal code of the state session: The legislative session (see state metadata) bill_id: Yhe legislative bill ID (e.g. HR 42) **kwargs: Optional keyword argument options, such as fields, which specifies the fields to return

Returns: The :ref:Bill details as a dictionary

search_bills(jurisdiction=None, identifier=None, session=None, chamber=None, classification=None, subject=None, updated_since=None, created_since=None, action_since=None, sponsor=None, sponsor_classification=None, q=None, sort=None, include=None, page=1, per_page=10, all_pages=True, state=None)

Find bills matching a given set of filters

For a list of each field, example values, etc. see



Sets API key. Can also be set as OPENSTATES_API_KEY environment variable.


Appends a custom string to the default User-Agent string (e.g. pyopenstates/__version__ user_agent)


APIError (RuntimeError)

Raised when the Open States API returns an error

NotFound (APIError)

Raised when the API cannot find the requested object

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